Tech Ops Division Crest
AFTAC Alumni Association West Coast Chapter
Tech Ops Division Mission Accomplished Patch
If you have information related to our history in Sacramento or regarding the material presented here, E-mail WCC Webmaster.

Cliff here for: Significant History 1950-1999

[Most of this History was culled from Bob Fitzgerald's files plus some items from Joe Johnson's]
Please refer to our "Fallout" page for new & old newsletters.

11 Dec 2023: WCC Officers for 2023-2025 installed at the WCC General Business Meeting, at Round Table Pizza on Sunrise in Roseville, with Allan Pentecost turning the meeting over to new WCC President, John Culbert.
WCC Officers - Dec 2023-Nov 2025:
John Culbert, President & Director
Kathy Pentecost, Vice President
Charlie Penn, Chmn. of the Board of Directors (CoB)
(Vacant), Assistant CoB
(Vacant), Director at Large
John "Butch" Kemna, Treasurer
Charlie Penn, Asst. Treasurer
Bob Baker, Secretary
Ken Breitwieser, Asst. Secretary
Allan Pentecost, Membership Chairman
Dale Klug, Asst. Membership Chairman
John Culbert, Depot Fallout Newsletter Editor
Allan Pentecost, Publications & Distribution Chmn
Bob Fitzgerald, Webmaster & Asst. Newsletter Editor

13 Dec 2021: WCC Officers for 2020-2023 installed at the WCC General Business Meeting online usline ZOOM with President Allan Pentecost presiding.
WCC Officers - Dec 2021-Nov 2023:
Allan Pentecost, President & Director
Bob Fitzgerald, Vice President
Charlie Penn, Chmn. of the Board of Directors (CoB)
(Vacant), Assistant CoB
(Vacant), Director at Large
John "Butch" Kemna, Treasurer
Charlie Penn, Asst. Treasurer
Bob Baker, Secretary
Ken Breitwieser, Asst. Secretary
Dave Price, Membership Chairman
Dale Klug, Asst. Membership Chairman
Allan Pentecost, Depot Fallout Newsletter Editor
Allan Pentecost, Publications & Distribution Chmn
Bob Fitzgerald, Webmaster & Asst. Newsletter Editor

09 Dec 2019: WCC Officers for 2020-2021 installed at the WCC General Business Meeting with outgoing WCC Vice President, Bob Fitzgerald presiding.
WCC Officers - Dec 2020-Nov 2021:
Allan Pentecost, President & Director
(Vacant), Vice President
Ken Denbleyker, Chmn. of the Board of Directors (CoB)
Charlie Penn, Assistant CoB
(Vacant), Director at Large
John "Butch" Kemna, Treasurer
(Vacant), Asst. Treasurer
Bob Baker, Secretary
Ken Breitwieser, Asst. Secretary
Dave Price, Membership Chairman
Don King, Depot Fallout Newsletter Editor
Allan Pentecost, Publications & Distribution Chmn
Bob Fitzgerald, Webmaster

09 Nov 2019: WCC Fall Social & Election of Officers for 2020-2021 held at the Olive Garden Restaurant. Allan Pentecost was elected President; Ken Denbleyker reelected Chairman of the Board (CoB); Charlie Penn was elected Assistant CoB; no one volunteered to run for Director At Large nor for Vice President so those two elected offices are vacant at this time; John "Butch" Kemna was relected Treasurer; and Bob Baker was reelected Secretary.
  Continuing in their appointed positions are: Ken Breitwieser, Asst. Secretary; Dave Price, Membership Chairman; Don King, Depot Fallout Newsletter Editor; Bob Fitzgerald, Webmaster; and Allan Pentecost, Publications & Distribution Chairman.

18 May 2019: WCC Annual Spring Picnic was held on Armed Forces Day at Tempo Park with 29 in attendance.

10 Dec 2018: WCC Life Member, Allan Pentecost was appointed Publications and Distribution Chairman, at the Business Meeting after having volunteered. That position was temporarily held by Bob Fitzgerald, Webmaster, after Dale Klug resigned the position in January 2018.

11 Dec 2017: WCC Officers for 2018-2019 installed at the WCC General Business Meeting, WCC Vice President Bob Fitzgerald presiding.
WCC Officers - Dec 2017-Nov 2019:
Rod Hinkle, President & Director
Bob Fitzgerald, Vice President
Ken Denbleyker, Chmn. of the Board of Directors
Dave Tarquino, Asst. CoB
Dennis Nolan, Director at Large
John "Butch" Kemna, Treasurer
(Vacant), Asst. Treasurer
Bob Baker, Secretary
Ken Breitwieser, Asst. Secretary
Dave Price, Membership Chmn
Don King, Depot Fallout Editor
(Vacant), Publications & Distribution Chmn
    (Note: Dale Klug filling in until move.)
Bob Fitzgerald, Webmaster & Asst. Editor

12 Nov 2017: WCC Fall Social and Election of Officers for 2018-2019 held at Sam's Hof Brau. Elected as WCC President was Rod Hinkle, who has held that position in the past; and as WCC Vice President was Bob Fitzgerald, who was acting as Interim Vice President since June 2017 when Joe Johnson resigned. All the other WCC Officers from 2016-2017 volunteered to continue and were reelected to their office. There are still two positions unfilled: Assistant Treasurer and Publications & Distribtion Chairman.

18 Jun 2017: WCC Vice President, Joe Johnson, resigned his position as VP at the close of the AFTAC Worldwide Reunion held 15Jun-18Jun in Sacramento. Bob Fitzgerald, WCC Webmaster, volunteered to act as Interim Vice President until the regular WCC election of officers is held on 12Nov17. This was approved by the WCC Board of Directors at the general business meeting held on 12Jun17.

15-18 Jun 2017: AFTAC Worldwide Reunion sponsored by the WCC and held here in Sacramento for the very last time. Reunion HQ will be the Lions Gate Hotel's McClellan House. The Reunion Committee was chaired by WCC VP, Joe Johnson, and included Dave Price, WCC Membership Chairman, & Dave's wife,Nancy. The total number of people registered for the reunion was 103.

13 Mar 2017: Joe Johnson, WCC Vice President, confirmed to the WCC Officers at the regular WCC quarterly business meeting held this date, that he would retire as Vice President on 18Jun17 at the end of the AFTAC Worldwide Reunion to be held here in Sacramento 15-18Jun2017, the committee of which he chaired.

14 Nov 2015: New officers were elected at the Fall Social at Sam's Hof Brau.
Note*: Although a number of members were canvassed during the year, no one wanted to run for the office of WCC President. Joe Johnson, Vice President, will assume the duties of President until someone is appointed to that position by the Board. Two of the 2014-2015 officers ran for, and were elected to, positions different than they held in that last term: Dave Tarquino moved from WCC President to Asst. Chairman of the Board, and Dennis Nolan moved from Asst. Treasurer to Director At Large. All other incumbent officers were re-elected to their same offices and/or appointed positions, except Bob Fitzgerald who filled behind Steve Fritts as Director At Large for 2013-2015. Bob remains Webmaster & Assistant Editor.
WCC Officers - Dec 2015-Nov 2017:
* (Vacant), President & Director
Joe Johnson, Vice President
Ken Denbleyker, Chmn. of the Board
Dave Tarquino, Asst. CoB
Dennis Nolan, Director at Large
John "Butch" Kemna, Treasurer
(Vacant), Asst. Treasurer
Bob Baker, Secretary
Ken Breitwieser, Asst. Secretary
Dave Price, Membership Chmn
Don King, Depot Fallout Editor
Dale Klug, Publications & Distribution Chmn
Bob Fitzgerald, Webmaster & Asst. Editor

9 Nov 2013: New officers were elected at the Fall Social at China Buffet.
Note*: All of the 2011-2013 Officers were re-elected for the new 2014-2015 term. Steve Fritts, Director At Large, passed away in July 2014. At the December 2014 meeting Bob Fitzgerald was appointed to fill that position. George Thompson, Asst. Chairman of the Board, passed away in January 2015. His position remained vacant the rest of the term.
WCC Officers - Dec 2013-Nov 2015:
Dave Tarquino, President & Director
Joe Johnson, Vice President
Ken Denbleyker, Chmn. of the Board
* (Vacant), Asst. CoB
* Bob Fitzgerald, Director at Large
John "Butch" Kemna, Treasurer
Dennis Nolan, Asst. Treasurer
Bob Baker, Secretary
Ken Breitwieser, Asst. Secretary
Dave Price, Membership Chmn
Don King, Depot Fallout Editor
Dale Klug, Publications/Distribution Chmn
Bob Fitzgerald, Webmaster & Asst. Editor

15 Nov 2011: New officers were elected at the Fall Social at China Buffet.
Note*: At the December 2010 meeting Dale Klug resigned as Editor of the Depot Fallout newsletter and was named Editor Emeritus. Dale's last issue was the January 2011 issue. There were no other issues of the Depot Fallout published in 2011 while a search for a new editor was being made. At the December 2011 meeting, Vice President Dave Tarquino reported that he was trying to contact Don King about being the new Editor. At that same December 2011 meeting, Bob Fitzgerald agreed to publish a January 2012 'Special Edition' of the Depot Fallout. In February 2012, Charlie Penn resigned as WCC President, a position he was re-elected to at the Nov 2011 Fall Social, due to purchase of a new home and subsequent move to Grover Beach, CA. Due to Charlie's resignation, Dave Tarquino, who was Vice President, assumed the WCC President position at the March 2012 meeting per Article V, Sec. 2 of the WCC Articles of Association, and Joe Johnson was named then by the board to fill behind Dave as Vice President. Also at that March 2012 meeting, Dale Klug reported that he had contacted Don King whom agreed to accept the position of Depot Fallout Editor. Don's first issue of the Depot Fallout was the April 2012 issue.
WCC Officers - Dec 2011-Nov 2013:
* Dave Tarquino, President & Director
* Joe Johnson, Vice President
Ken Denbleyker, Chmn. of the Board
George Thompson, Asst. CoB
Steve Fritts, Director at Large
John "Butch" Kemna, Treasurer
Dennis Nolan, Asst. Treasurer
Bob Baker, Secretary
Ken Breitwieser, Asst. Secretary
Dave Price, Membership Chmn
* Don King, Depot Fallout Editor
Dale Klug, Publications/Distribution Chmn
Bob Fitzgerald, Webmaster & Asst. Editor

13-15 May 2011: AFTAC Worldwide Reunion sponsored by the WCC and held here in Sacramento. Reunion HQ was held at the Lions Gate Hotel's (old O' Club) with the hospitality suite in the McClellan House on McClellan Field. The Reunion Committee chaired by Joe Johnson, included Ken & Eva Breitwieser, John Lanigan, Charlie Penn, Dave & Nancy Price, Peggy Rheault, Dave Tarquino, George Thompson, and Bob Fitzgerald. The total number of people registered for the reunion was ~535 of which 481 attended the banquet dinner where the entertainment was provided by the "Country Club Aires" men's chorus & band which included AFTAC Alumni-WCC members Dave Price & Bob Fitzgerald.

15 Nov 2009: New officers elected at the Fall Social at Luau Gardens:
Note*: Asst. Chmn of the Board of Directors, Orville Pritchard, died 4/24/2010. George Thompson was appointed to replace him by vote of the WCC Officers at the 6/1/2010 general business meeting.
WCC Officers - Dec 2009-Nov 2011:
Charlie Penn, President & Director
Dave Tarquino, Vice President
Ken Denbleyker, Chmn. of the Board
George Thompson*, Asst. Chmn. of the Board
Steve Fritts, Director at Large
John "Butch" Kemna, Treasurer
Dennis Nolan, Asst. Treasurer
Bob Baker, Secretary
Ken Breitwieser, Asst. Secretary
Dave Price, Membership Chmn.
Dale Klug, Newsletter Editor
Bob Fitzgerald, Webmaster & Asst. Editor

04 Dec2007: New officers elected at the WCC General Business Meeting at McClellan Park.
Note: Jack Allison became ill in 2008 & was unable to continue. Dennis Nolan took over at that time. Jack died 24 Jan 2009.
WCC Officers - Dec 2007-Nov 2009:
Jack Allison, President & Director
Dennis Nolan, Vice President
Ken Denbleyker, Chmn. of the Board
Orville Pritchard, Asst. Chmn. of the Board
Dave Tarquino, Director at Large
Charles Penn, Treasurer
John "Butch" Kemna, Asst. Treasurer
Ken Breitwieser, Secretary
Bob Baker, Asst. Secretary
Dave Price, Membership Chmn.
Dale Klug, Newsletter Editor
Bob Fitzgerald, Webmaster & Asst. Editor

08 Nov2007: 4th Annual Veteran's Day Dinner Social held at the Buggy Whip Restaurant in Sac.
NL Oct2007: "Election of Officers" Nomination form + Vet's Dinner Social form in this issue.
NL Jul2007: CO.Reunion report + May Picnic photos + Way Back When + CMSgt Leon Nargoski's passing.
19 May2007: 3rd Annual Spring Picnic held at Foothill Farms Community Park.
NL Apr2007: Passing of 'Bart' Carter, Bill Auth, Bill Drake, Stephen Horne (son of Lew) & Bob Lyman.
        Also sign-up form for the May picnic & regis forms for the June Reunion in Colorado.
NL Jan2007: Vet's soc. photos + passing of Frank Kunz, Dick Payne, Bette Henner, Jim Hall & Jane Dettmer.
        Also info & regis forms for the June Reunion in Colorado.
11 Nov2006: 3rd Annual Veteran's Day Dinner Social held at the Buggy Whip Restaurant in Sac.
NL Oct2006: Photos from the Sac. Boat Cruise & 'Way Back When' + 'Articles of Assoc.' revision notice
        + passing of William Braukman & Lorelei Jean Price (dau. of Dave Price).
26 Aug2006: Sacramento River Boat Cruise.
NL Jul2006: Picnic photos + passing of Richard 'Dick' Lema, Robert Justman & Lester Autry 'Gene' Landrum.
20 May2006: 2nd Annual Spring Picnic held at Foothill Farms Community Park.
NL Apr2006: "Way Back When" item about Det 448 Sep 1967-Sep 1968.
NL Jan2006: Membership renewal period goes to Calendar year + Vet's Dinner photos +
        + passing of Ernest Henner Jr., 'Lupe' Martinez & Georgia Magness (longtime 1155th Secretary).
06 Dec2005: Newly elected officers conduct the WCC General Business Meeting at McClellan Park.

WCC Officers - Dec 2005-Nov 2007:
Joe Johnson, President & Director
Dennis Nolan, Vice President
Bob Fitzgerald, Chmn. of the Board
Orville Pritchard, Asst. Chmn. of the Board
Ken Denbleyker, Director at Large
Charles Penn, Treasurer
John "Butch" Kemna, Asst. Treasurer
Ken Breitwieser, Secretary
Bob Baker, Asst. Secretary
Dave Price, Membership Chmn.
Dale Klug, Newsletter Editor
Bob Fitzgerald, Webmaster & Asst. Editor

11 Nov2005: 2nd Annual Veteran's Day Dinner Social held at the Buggy Whip Restaurant in Sac.
NL Oct2005: Results of the Election + passing of Col. Tom Ciambrone, Bill Peek, Col. B.R. Kuntz &
        Mike Sepelyak + Add'l reunion photos.
06 Sep2005: Election of Officers held at the General Business Meeting
NL Jul2005: Reunion recap & photos plus nomination of officers form published in this issue.

12-15 May2005: AFTAC Worldwide Reunion held at the Holiday Inn NE in Sacramento.
        Reunion Co-Chairmen were Al Pavik & Jack Allison.

NL Mar2005: Registration forms for the May 2005 Worldwide Reunion + passing of Chief Frank Goodreau.
NL Jan2005: Photos of the Nov '04 Vet's Day Dinner + passing of Anne McElhaney.
11 Nov2004: 1st Annual Veteran's Day Dinner Social held at the Buggy Whip Restaurant in Sac.
NL Oct2004: New WCC mailing address P.O. published + photos of the May picnic + reunion prelim
        agenda & hotel regis form + proposed change to the Articles of Assoc.
15 May2004: "Spring Fling" picnic held at Foothill Farms Community Park.
NL Apr2004: "Way Back When" article by Mike Long on our history + passing of Norris Johnson.
NL Jan2004: New column "Way Back When" articles solicited + WCC website nominated for a
        Sacramento "DOTTIE" award + photos from 'Fall Social'.
25 Oct2003: "Fall Social" dinner at the Sheepherder Inn.
23 Oct2003: "" website changed by Bob to patriotic theme w/help of Dane Wilson.
06 Oct2003: Original WCC "" website published by Bob Fitzgerald.
NL Oct2003: Results of the "Election of Officers" is announced in this issue + Announcement of new
        WCC Website "" created by Bob Fitzgerald.
WCC Officers - Oct 2003-Nov 2005:
Rod Hinkle, President & Director
Joe Johnson, Vice President
Ken Denbleyker, Chmn. of the Board
Dave Tarquino, Asst. Chmn. of the Board
Orville Pritchard, Director at Large
Bart Carter, Treasurer
Charley Penn, Asst. Treasurer
Marge Iske, Secretary
Ken Breitwieser, Asst. Secretary
Danny Beach, Membership Chmn.
Dale Klug, Newsletter Editor
Bob Fitzgerald, Webmaster & Asst. Editor

02 Sep2003: "Election of Officers" held at the WCC Business Meeting at McClellan Park.
NL Aug2003: New "Depot Fallout" newsletter first page format redesigned. Front page changes now
        include a "Chapter Officers" box with names & contact info. + Passing of Jimmy Mays.
25 Apr2003: "Spring Fling" Golfing and Dinner Social at Mather Golf Course.
NL Feb2003: WCC VP, Joe Johnson, selected "AFTAC Alumni of the Year" by Florida HQ Chapter.
        Passing of Jack Deets & Andy Quisenberry + photos of the Winter Social.
16 Nov2002: "Winter Social" dinner at the Sheepherder Inn.
NL Oct2002: Notice of upcoming May 2003 Reunion in Florida + photos of the Spring Garden party +
        Passing of Tim Burns & John Madden 10 Aug2002: "Summer Get-together - Clear Lake Cruise!" lunch on the Clear Lake Queen.
NL Jul2002: Recap of the Garden Party + Passing of Bill Johnston & John R Johnson, Jr's wife Anne.
18 May2002: "Spring Get-together - Garden Party" at Al & Ann Pavik's.
NL Apr2002: Obit of past 1155th Cmdr & MCL Dir, Col. Dewey Weiford Jr. + photos of the Winter Social.
09 Feb2002: "Winter Social Get-Together" at the Luau Gardens
NL Jan2002: First issue of the newsletter that included photos. (03Nov2001 event)
04 Dec2001: "Business Meeting & Social" at Al & Ann Pavik's home.
03 Nov2001: "Fall Social" dinner at Cafe' Vienna in West Sacramento.
NL Oct2001: Results of the "Election of Officers" balloting is announced in this issue.

WCC Officers - Oct 2001-Sep 2003:
Al Pavik, President & Director
Joe Johnson, Vice President
Rod Hinkle, Chmn. of the Board
Orville Pritchard, Director at Large
Bart Carter, Treasurer & Membership
Frank Goodreau, Asst. Treasurer
Marge Iske, Secretary
Dale Klug, Newsletter Editor

NL Jul2001: First issue of the newly named "Depot Fallout" newsletter. "Name Our Newsletter"
        contest won by Bill Stephan. + photos of the Apr '01 Dinner + passing of Jim Duvall
        (aka SMSgt Jim Brest).
07 Apr2001: "Alumni Meet to Eat" dinner at Luau Gardens. New banner for Apr newsletter.
NL Apr2001: First issue of the WCC Newsletter that included a banner with TOD/1155th/WFO &
        "Mission Accomplished" logos
+ Info about a proposed Amtrak & "Floating White House" boat trip
        on the boat "Potomac" + New WCC Membership cards + Passing of CMSgt Richard E. (Oz) Osburn.
NL Jan2001: Amendment to the AoA accepted by members' balloting. "Name Our Newsletter"
        contest announced + Passing of Col Ronald A Bird & Prosper E DeBee.
01 Dec2000: Harm Aning, Dir At Large, moves back east. Bob Fitzgerald appointed to fill his term.
NL Sep2000: Two amendments to "Articles of Assoc." (AoA) proposed with ballots included in NL +
        Recap of the 1st Annual Picnic (Jun 25) & a recap of the SEO Reunion (Jul 18).
25 Jun2000: "First Annual Picnic Pot-luck" at Orangevale Community Park.
NL Jun2000: Recap of Apr Clear Lake Boat Cruise outing & recap of May Buster Jangle Reunion + notice
        of an upcoming SEO reunion & and the 1st Annual Picnic in Jun
29 Apr2000: "Spring Get-Together" with lunch on a cruise on the Clear Lake Queen.
NL Mar2000: Undated 2nd issue of the new newsletter + notice of a new WCC mailing address.
NL Oct1999: The very first "West Coast Chapter Newsletter" published.
        Contained recaps of the TOD In-activation Ceremony & our reunion + recap of the formation of the
        West Coast Chapter of the AFTAC Alumni Association + signups: 181 members (incl. 38 Life members)
02 Aug1999: First "WCC Business Meeting" held.
        Membership Chmn, Harm Aning, & Newsletter Editor, Dale Klug, appointed.
19 Apr1999: "AFTAC Alumni Assoc. - West Coast Chapter" (WCC) formed.
          Officers elected and Articles of Association (AoA) approved.

WCC Officers - Apr 1999-Sep 2001:
Joe Johnson, President & Director
George Thompson, Vice President
Jack Allison, Chairman of the Board
Harm Aning*, Dir. At Large (DAL)
Bart Carter, Treasurer & Membership
Dale Klug, Secretary
Bob Fitzgerald, Asst. Membership Chmn / DAL*
*Harm moved to St. Louis & was replaced by Bob in Dec 2000.
Also see info at the 'TOP' of this page.

1995 - 1998 ?? (Please click here to send any info you have to your WCC Webmaster.)

09-12 Jun1994: AFTAC/WFO/1155th/TOD Reunion held at the Red Lion Hotel in Sacramento.
        Reunion Chairman was Lew Horne.

NL Feb1994: Newsletter edited & published by Bob Fitzgerald with reunion regis info & forms.

1986 - 1994 ?? (Please click here to send any info you have to your WCC Webmaster.)

06-08 Jun1985: "2nd Biannual" AFTAC Reunion held in Sacramento at the Red Lion Hotel.
        Reunion Chairman was Lew Horne.

NL Apr1985: VOL 4 NO 2 of a NEWSLETTER published by Lew Horne.   (I can't find VOL 4 NO 1 ... bf)
01 Jul1984: 1155th TOS becomes the "Technical Operations Division (TOD)".
NL Feb1984: VOL 3 NO 1 called "WFO/1155th TOS REUNION NEWSLETTER"
        Edited & published by Lew Horne.
NL Jul1983: VOL 2 NO 4 of the WFO/1155th TOS Reunion Newsletter with reunion recap.
        Edited & published by Mike Long & Bart Bias.

17-19 Jun1983: First "AFTAC Reunion" held in Sacramento at the Holiday Inn Northeast.
        Co-Chairmen were Bart Bias & Mike Long with help from Al Pavik, Jack Allison & Lew Horne.

        Edited & published by Mike Long & Bart Bias.
        Edited & published by Mike Long & Bart Bias.
        Edited & published by Mike Long & Bart Bias.
        Edited & published by Mike Long & Bart Bias.
        This issue contained a group photo taken at Team 407 on Jun 2, 1959 with names listed.
        First "WFO ALUMNI NEWSLETTER" edited & published by Mike Long & Bart Bias.

1960 - 1982 ?? (Please click here to send any info you have to your WCC Webmaster.)

Site Design by Dane Wilson